Are you ready to get started on the path to

 clarify,  simplify,  and glorify 

your walk with Jesus?

get out of the chaotic world you are in and find the peace that God wants just for you!

Let me  ask you a couple of questions to get those wheels spinning…


What's one change you could make that would give you more peace/calm?


If you were to FULLY live your life, what is the first change you would start to make?


 What's your dream for this lifetime?

Through Mindset Work, Accountability and Great Goal Setting, 

We will identify what it is you want to actually get accomplished 

 whether it is… 

* developing practical goals

* Developing great habits 

* de-cluttering your spaces

* De-cluttering your mind.

We will get detailed about the strategy YOU need to accomplish these goals.

We will develop actionable steps that are suited to you where you are in life right now.

Most importantly we will dive into what kind of mindset you have and what might be holding you back from being the best version of yourself!

Let's get you out of the chaotic world you are in and give you the peace that God wants just for you!

With coaching you can:

*Truly identify the goals and passions you have for yourself

*Have a place designated just for you and all you have to say about these goals and passions

*Have a laid out plan of action so you so you know what you need to do to accomplish those goals.

*Have an accountability partner.

*Turn your chaos into peace.

*Celebrate your success as you sit back and witness the power of changing your mindset in your everyday life!


Eve King


mindset life coach


christian women

Hey Friend! I 'm Eve, a mindset coach for Christian women who want simplicity in their lives so they can hear God's voice above the world's chaos.

By using the Word of God as a guide I walk with women as they develop practical yet effective goals that create a foundation of peace so they can see that God has a plan and purpose for them right here and right now.

God has given me a heart for Christian women who are yearning for less anxiety, chaos, and overwhelm. Women who are craving a simpler way of life that allows Holy Spirit to lead them into His purpose.

I believe with my life experiences in motherhood, marriage, and trauma and careers in Nursing and Professional Organizing, God has given me a well-rounded view of how to encourage others down this difficult path.

I firmly believe that taking our thoughts captive is possible, and with God's word, we can change our mindset, eliminating feelings of overwhelm and anxiety.

Here's what others are saying

“I was given permission to express my thoughts in complete honesty expanding my mindset in a way that didn't hurt!

I was able to identify strengths I wasn't previously aware of and I feel I have an actionable plan now!

Thank you Eve!”

   S. G.  -new york

“Eve had wonderful listening skills and great ideas that gave me the extra boost to go for some of the things I was reluctant to pursue!"

   A.H.  -Missouri



I so look forward to working with you